Monday 30 November 2009

Lu Chun Lingzhi Tea

Lu Chun Lingzhi Tea

Lu Chun Lingzhi Tea use Camellia Sinensis (Oolong Tea) as base. It has added in precious Ganoderma Lucidium (Lingzhi), Semen Cassiae and Gynostemma Pentaphyllum. It taste sweet and delicious and also help to improve health.

~ Ganoderma Lucidium: Lingzhi have precious ingredients including polysaccharides, Triterpenes, adenosine and protein LZ-8 that can help to improve health.

~ Semen Cassiae: Help to improve eye sight and help those with constipation problems.

~ Gynostemma Pentaphyllum: Its main ingredient is saponine that also exist in ginseng. It can help to relieve cough and calm mind.

~ Camellia Sinensis: Oolong Tea smells nice and can help to improve health.

Price = RM 51 / 30 sachets


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